"Forever a Legend" is written by Steve Shackleford, editor of Blade Magazine, with photography and graphic layout by Francescon Pachi. It would be hard to imagine that today’s Knife Collectors and Makers would not want to add a copy of this outstanding book to their collection. Bill Moran was the greatest bladesmith of the 20th century. Had it not been for Bill, bladesmithing would virtually be a lost art today. This book is about the life, history and the knives.
Autor: Steve Shackleford
Einband: Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag
Seitenzahl: 272
Format: 25,5 x 30,0 cm
Sprache: englisch
Verlag (Hersteller): The William F. Moran Jr.
Museum & Foundation, Inc.
4246 Old National Pike, Middletown, MD 21769, USA
ISBN: 9780692374504
€ 179,00
inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt.
ggf. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit 3-4 Arbeitstage innerhalb Deutschlands
Ausland abweichend
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